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Lacanian Ink n° 36 – The Gaze

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What Lacan brings up about the Wolf Man in The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis is a change in the very status of the real. For Freud, the real which he tracks down is the earliest childhood. This is where all the merit of this case lies for us, as it must be said that one rarely or never gets reconstructions that are so fine-grained and so precise. The real that is the question for Freud is the real of facts. The real that Lacan highlights in Seminar XI is a completely different real. It is the real of the objet a, even though he still hasn t extricated this status from the object. Thus there is a change in the status of the real. Jacques-Alain Miller, The Wolf Man.

October 2010


Poids 0.185 kg


Date de publication

october 2010

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