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Letters in quarantine. Psychoanalitic chronicles of a pandemic





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Anyone who has undertaken the adventure of a psychoanalysis will have experienced in their bodies what can be named as points of no return. Instants at which the mystery of the encounter makes it possible to cross a threshold introducing in existence the chance and the certainty of a « there is no going back. » Assuming this leap allows for the subjective mutation that can be expected from the Lacanian action, from the analytic discourse and the unique social bond that it founds.

The year 2020, the year of the pandemic, constituted such a point at a planetary scale. Between the months of February and December, Lacanian Review Online (LRO) published the writings of members and friends of the seven Schools of the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP), at various rhythms, sometimes two or three a day, such was the surge of words in five different languages, gushing from all corners of the world.

Published for the New Lacanian School, by Lacanian Press, Publishing House of Lacanian Compass.

Poids 0.700 kg
Date de publication

Octobre 2021

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